TFT Patch Notes 13.14 / TFT 패치 노트 13.14 (2023.07.19) / tft meta / tft builds
The Soul Duel and Blazing Battleground are game modes composed of two stages:
1. Training Stage:
- Progress from Stage 1-1 to 3-8.
- Gain Soul Power by winning rounds (30), losing rounds (15), or eliminating enemy champions (1).
- Soul Power replaces health and can only increase, not decrease.
- Soul Power increases the number of loot choices when Gwen and Sett visit or appear as PvE bosses.
- Units wearing the Incomplete Soul Crown gain increased stats (attack damage, ability power, and health) and have two additional traits from the non-unique traits list.
2. Tournament Stage:
- After Stage 3-8, proceeds with a best-of-3, 2 wins required format.
- The Incomplete Soul Crown provides additional stats based on Soul Power and grants a resurrection effect.
- If you lose twice in the Tournament stage, you're eliminated from the game.
Information about the Event Pass is as follows:
- Before 7 AM on the day the event starts, you can purchase the Soul Fighter Event Pass for 575 RP.
- Upgrading the Event Pass allows you to unlock additional rewards besides the 100 free pass tokens, such as emotes, Star Shards, the BOOM! Effect, and Legendary Kayatsai.
- The Event Pass includes three new BOOM! Effects: Soul Power, Soul Noise, and Eye of the Divine, which can be fully upgraded with the Event Pass.
- The Event Pass has separate XP from the Runeterra Reconstructed Pass XP, and only Soul Fighter missions increase the progress for the Soul Fighter Event Pass.
The Soul Duel and Blazing Battleground game modes feature special items and characters, including Mini Gwen and Mini Soul Fighter Gwen:
1. Mini Gwen:
- Available for purchase at 1,900 RP, includes the "Shabam Shabam!" BOOM! Effect.
- Can still be purchased after August 16.
2. Mini Soul Fighter Gwen:
- Available from patch 13.14 until August 16 as a Treasure Kingdom reward.
- Grants the Annihilator effect, which leaves a gray screen when eliminating enemies.
The Soul Tournament Arena is a special arena for use in the Soul Tournament, featuring unique starting animations, transformative effects, and dynamic battlefield effects. This arena can only be obtained as a reward in the Treasure Kingdom.
The Blazing Battleground is the first-ever event for strategic team battles on mobile, allowing players to experience all content. In this battleground, players can meet the Soul Fighter champions and their trainers, Little Legends, and complete unique missions that reward Soul Fighter Event Pass XP.
Regarding augmentation recommendations, information about win rates or specific stage augmentation rates may not be available due to data policies. However, players can still access data through APIs to get diverse combinations and item/augmentation recommendations for strategic team battles, which will likely lead to increased game diversity and a more active strategic team battle community.
Game system changes include:
1. PvE Loot Roll Change:
- Stone Turtles, Wolves, and Razorbeaks now always drop a minimum of 2 loot rolls.
2. Training Bot Changes:
- Training Bots now have increased attack damage from 0 to 50.
- Training Bots are now included in combat stats.
3. Local Portal Changes:
- Umi's Playground Update: Purchasing experience grants an additional 2 experience.
- Petriscite Grove Update: At the start of the game, gain 3 Spatulas.
- No longer encounter Doppelgangers that mimic items in Noxkraya Arena.
- The refresh cost in Dragon's Lair Treasure Trove changes from 2 to 1.
4. Strongest Unit Criteria Change:
- The criteria for determining the strongest unit has changed. The unit with the most items is considered the strongest, and in case of a tie, the most recently placed unit is considered the strongest.
5. Mana Reaver Change:
- All Mana Reaver values are reduced from 35% to 30%. Affected champions are Ahri, Freljord, and Silencing Cloak.
Here are the major changes for each stage of units:
1-Star Units:
- Cassiopeia's mana reduced from 0/40 to 0/30.
- Cassiopeia's Twin Fang damage decreased from 200/300/450 to 170/255/385.
- Cho'Gath's Feast healing adjusted from 30 to 30/35/40.
- Cho'Gath's Feast percent health damage increased from 10% to 12%.
- Jhin's Attack Damage bonus reduced from 30% to 20%.
- Malzahar's Nether Grasp damage increased from 175/260/395 to 200/300/450, and shield breaker damage increased from 35% to 50%.
- Orianna's Command: Protect damage increased from 190/285/430 to 260/390/585.
- Poppy's Steadfast Presence 4-Star stun duration reduced from 1 second to 0.25 seconds.
- Samira's mana adjusted from 0/40 to 0/30.
- Samira's Wild Rush Attack Damage ratio reduced from 200% to 175%.
- Viego's Sovereign's Domination stab damage reduced from 125/185/280 to 110/165/250.
2-Star Units:
- Ashe's Ranger's Focus Attack Damage ratio increased from 125/125/130% to 150/150/160%.
- Galio's Durand shield damage reduction changed from 20% to 20/20/25%.
- Galio's Durand shield health restored increased from 275/300/325 to 350/400/450.
- Galio's mana adjusted from 80/140 to 60/120.
- Jinx's Fishbones! Attack Damage ratio increased from 133/133/140% to 150/150/160%.
- Jinx's Fishbones! now considers Runaan's Hurricane or Guinsoo's Rageblade item as one rocket every 2 attacks.
- Soraka's Starcall damage increased from 100/150/235 to 115/170/265.
- Swain's mana adjusted from 50/100 to 40/80.
- Swain's Torment effect duration reduced from 6 seconds to 5 seconds.
- Swain's Torment additional health increased from 425/450/480 to 450/475/500.
- Teemo's Toxic Trap damage increased from 200/300/465/465 to 200/300/465/500.
- Warwick's Primal Howl base heal per attack increased from 25/30/35 to 30/35/40.
- Zed's Attack Damage reduced from 60 to 55.
- Zed's Living Shadow base damage reduced from 25/40/60 to 25/40/50.
3-Star Units:
- Akshan's Vigilance Bullets Attack Damage ratio increased from 125% to 130%.
- Akshan's Vigilance Bullets now does not interrupt when against crowd control.
- Garen's Judgement per spin Attack Damage ratio increased from 70/72/75% to 72/75/80%.
- Garen's Judgement base spins increased from 1.8 to 2, and required Attack Speed for additional spins reduced from 55% to 50%.
- Karma's Inner Flame damage increased from 155/230/390 to 180/270/445.
- Karma's Ionian bonus Ability Power reduced from 30 to 20.
- Katarina's Sinister Blade damage reduced from 145/220/360 to 130/195/320.
- Rek'Sai's Furious Bite threshold increased from 60% to 70%.
- Rek'Sai's Furious Bite healing reduced from 15% of max health to 10% of max health.
- Taric's mana adjusted from 40/90 to 0/55.
- Taric's Dazzle shield increased from 400/475/550 to 550/650/750.
4-Star Units:
- Aphelios's Attack Damage increased from 60 to 65.
- Gwen's Shabam Shabam! effect duration increased from 2/2.5/4 seconds to 3/3/6 seconds.
- Gwen's Shabam Shabam! rush AI improved, now continues to attack the current target after using the skill.
- Lux's skill now does not interrupt when against crowd control.
- Lux's Prismatic Wave damage changed from 700/1,050/3,333 to 735/1,100/3,333.
- Sejuani now immediately gains skill during Glacial Prison use.
- Urgot's mana adjusted from 0/100 to 30/90.
- Yasuo's Last Breath single-target damage ratio reduced from 500/500/1,500% to 475/475/1,500%.
- Zyra's Attack Damage increased from 60 to 65.
- Zyra's Grasping Roots duration increased from 6 seconds to 9/9/15 seconds.
- Zyra's Robo-Arms now correctly applies all stats.
5-Star Units:
- Aatrox's Armor and Magic Resistance increased from 60 to 70.
- Aatrox's mana adjusted from 0/60 to 0/50.
- Aatrox's The World Ender damage changed from 250/250/2,500% to 275/275/2,500%.
- Aatrox's Darkin Revival effect's resurrection animation speed increased.
- Aatrox's The World Ender usage animation speed increased.
- Ahri's Spirit Bomb usage time reduced, now quickly performs the attack motion after using the skill.
- Ahri's Spirit Bomb 3rd usage preparation motion significantly shortened.
- Vex's targets will no longer keep using skill and instead find the nearest target after killing a target without other targets in range.
- Vex's Queen's Wrath damage ratio reduced from 75% to 60%.
- Vex now moves faster in Queen form.
- Vex's mana adjusted from 0/55 to 20/70.
Here are the major changes for Legends Augments:
1. Loot II/III: The function of occasionally dropping multiple gold after defeating enemies in Stage 3 and beyond is re-added.
2. Minor Power I/II/III: Attack Damage/Ability Power/Attack Speed reduced from 8/11/18 to 7/10/16.
Legends Augments Changes:
1. Guardian's Friends Update:
- Upon leveling up, now acquires the same random 3-star champion.
2. Reasonable Spending:
- Changed from gold to silver.
- Gold obtained from Reasonable Spending reduced from 3 to 1.
3. Unity I:
- Armor and Magic Resistance reduced from 20 to 18.
4. Youth, Frenzy, Freedom:
- Updated to provide random combination items.
5. Different Origin II/III:
- Health adjusted from 175/230/285/340 to 180/240/300/360.
- Attack Speed changed from 30/35/40/50% to 40/45/50/60%.
6. Dueling Marksman:
- Initial Attack Speed reduced from 10% to 5%.
7. Jewel Lily:
- Critical Strike chance adjusted from 50% to 40%.
8. Know Your Foe:
- Allied units deal 15% more damage, 20% more if they have the same origin activated.
9. Distant Friend:
- Shared stat ratio reduced from 30% to 25%.
10. Prayer of Love:
- Spell Power per cast reduced from 2.5 to 2.
11. Mana Burn:
- Percentage max health damage per second reduced from 3% to 2%.
12. Ravenous Hunter:
- Stats per stack reduced from 6 to 5.
13. Steady Evolutions (Void):
- Health per star level reduced from 80 to 70.
- Attack Damage/Ability Power per star level reduced from 8 to 7.
14. Birth of the Stars:
- Gold increased from 3 to 6.
15. Suppression Fire:
- Harmful effect duration increased from 4 seconds to 8 seconds.
16. Leader Set:
- Sit-Up Strength stats increased from 30% to 35%.
17. From Three to Four:
- Health per 3-star unit increased from 100 to 111.
18. Different Origin III:
- Health adjusted from 240/350/460/570 to 270/380/490/600.
- Attack Speed changed from 35/40/45/55% to 50/55/60/70%.
19. Guardian's Choice:
- Radiant Armory unlock level changed from 8 to 7.
20. Adept Cavalry:
- Health decrease changed from 40% to 20%.
- Gold increased from 2 to 8.
21. Level Up!:
- Initial experience reduced from 4 to 2.
22. Starter Kit:
- Champions obtained increased from 1 to 2.
23. Health Care:
- Health restoration gold requirement reduced from 50 to 40.
Large-Scale Item Changes:
1. Dragon's Claw:
- Magic Resistance increased from 70 to 75.
- Maximum Health ratio health regeneration increased from 4% to 5%.
2. Solari's Steel Pendulum:
- Shield absorption increased from 180/200/220 to 250/300/350.
- Shield duration increased from 4 seconds to 8 seconds.
- Number of allies receiving the shield changed from 2 to 1.
Large-Scale Augment and Radiant Item Changes:
1. Radiant Dragon's Claw (Will of the Dragon):
- Magic Resistance increased from 140 to 150.
- Maximum Health ratio health regeneration increased from 8% to 10%.
2. Radiant Solari's Steel Pendulum (Pendulum of Perfect Targon):
- Shield absorption increased from 200/250/300 to 275/325/375.
3. Sniper's Focus:
- Provides +1 range.
Small-Scale Trait Changes:
1. Brawlers:
- Additional Health scaling changed from 10/35/70% to 10/40/70%.
2. Back for More:
- Additional damage changed from 20/65/140% to 20/65/150%.
3. Warmachines:
- Maximum damage reduction changed from 25/35/50% to 25/40/50%.
4. Zaun Robot Arms:
- Additional Attack chance changed from 60% to 50%.
Small-Scale Unit Changes:
1. Renekton:
- Whirling Dervishes' preparation animation slightly sped up.
Small-Scale Augment Changes:
1. Recycling Bin:
- Disassembles the crafted Emblem.
2. Gift of the Skies:
- Augment's name changed to Soul Supply Drop.
3. Double Trouble:
- Provides 2-star units instantly instead of putting them in the loot cart.
4. Scrap Peddler:
- Temporarily removed from Double Up mode.
Tooltip Changes:
1. Morellonomicon, Angelonomicon, Sunfire Cape, and Sunfire Aegis:
- The tooltip for "Burn" effect now accurately reflects the damage per second.
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